The Leading Journal for the Tyre Recycling Sector

The Leading Journal for the Tyre Recycling Sector

The Export of ELT to India for Pyrolysis is Illegal

Tyre and Rubber Recycling has discussed the legality of ELT exports for pyrolysis many times. Finally, the government has decided to speak out

In a notice issued on the 3rd September, the UK government has clarified, specifically to T8 operators, that the export of tyres for pyrolysis in India is illegal.

The Indian Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate change has categorically stated that the import of waste tyres for pyrolysis is illegal.

ELT may only be imported into India for recovery into secondary materials.

The UK government states that all steps must be taken to ensure that tyres are only exported to India legally, warning that illegal exports may be stopped and repatriated.

The UK government reiterates the conditions required:

  • The material exported bust be suitable to overseas operators
  • The Annex VII movement documentation must be completed in full to include information on the final receiving site
  • There must be a valid contract between the person arranging the export and the consignee for the recovery of the waste
  • Where a contract is not in place, or where the waste is not received and treated in compliance with the movement document, the movement is illegal.
  • Operators must check and comply with all waste tyre import restrictions placed on the end destination. Individuals and businesses found to be exporting waste in contravention of these requirements can face enforcement action, including prosecution.

Anyone with any questions should contact

We can’t let this go without commenting that this looks very much like the UK placing the onus of policing this on the receiving destinations.  We can only hope that there might be closer co-operation between agencies to ensure that only legitimate exporting takes place.