The Leading Journal for the Tyre Recycling Sector

The Leading Journal for the Tyre Recycling Sector

Tyre and Rubber Recycling – The Tyre Recycling Podcast Episode #62 – UK General Election Special on Waste Management

With elections looming in the UK on July the 4th, we decided to record a general election special of the Tyre Recycling podcast where we looked at the current status of waste tyre management in the UK and what policies (if any) the campaigning parties were looking to implement should they be elected. Editor Ewan Scott additionally spoke to Peter Taylor OBE, Secretary General of Tyre Recovery Association about the issues facing a future a government and his hopes for action rather than the inaction seen with regards to the T8 exemption.


00:00 Introduction to Episode #62: General Election Special

01:01 Current status of waste tyres in the UK

02:45 Preview of Interview with Peter Taylor OBE, Secretary General of Tyre Recovery Association

02:56 Interview with Peter Taylor OBE, Secretary General of Tyre Recovery Association

03:13 Peter Taylor OBE: “We need a much better approach from Government on tyre and waste recycling”

05:29 Ewan Scott: “Only 44% of UK tyre production is recycled and most of it is exported”

06:30 Taylor details three issues for the future Government to tackle

10:03 Ewan Scott, Editor of Tyre & Rubber Recycling reviews the manifestos and their commitments to waste recycling and management

14:47 Conclusion to Episode #62: General Election Special