In Tyre and Rubber Recycling Podcast 71, Ewan Scott discusses the Australian scenario with the CEO of Tyre Stewardship Australia, Lina a Goodman. In this introductory video we discuss the challenges and opportunities that the industry faces in Australia, and the potential for a mandatory tyre stewardship scheme to address the current freeriders.
0:12 Intro
01:00 Links
01:33 Interest in Australia
02:55 The need to do better
03:45 Tyres are a priority for government
04:54 Mining companies demanding greater circularity
06:35 Mining tyres discussion
07:40 Pibara investment
09:07 Demand for Circularity
10:05 Capacity is Building
11:43 TSA and freeriders
12:39 Possible m=required registration with TSA
16:12 levy is paid on sales not import
16:45 Research investment
18:29 Opportunities in the coming years
19:40 TDF use
20:06 Devulcanisation/ Pyrolysis/ Retreading
21:01 markets for devulc
23:30 Tyres as a government priority
25:05 Lina Goodman’s final comments
28:36 Conclusion and thanks