The Leading Journal for the Tyre Recycling Sector

The Leading Journal for the Tyre Recycling Sector

TRA Forum Speakers Announced

The annual TRA Forum has now been confirmed with a list of key speakers and subjects of key interest to serious recyclers

The keynote speaker will be George Eustace, Director, Penbroath Ltd, an environmental consultancy. Eustace was Secretary of State for the Environment, Food & Rural Affairs 2020-2022.

This will be followed by the customary breakdown of the tyre arisings statistics by Simon Hodson from Astutus Research.

The morning sessions will then focus on digital waste tracking, which is to be introduced incrementally from spring 2025. This will include a presentation from Bertrand Thomasin & Arthur Wagner, from REGOM Tyre Reuse Solutions – the developers of AI based tyre identification and selection systems with the participation of Rajiv Budhraja, Director General, India’s Automotive Tyre Manufacturer’s Association.

The afternoon sessions will look at the New Requirements for the Registration of Dealers/Brokers/Carriers of Waste, presented by Sam Brackley, Senior Advisor, CBD Reg Reform Project Technical Lead at the Environment Agency.

This will be followed by a presentation on a New Tyre Training Module Accessible to All by Dr. Chas Ambrose, Director, Vehicle Recycling Association. Then, before the concluding Q@A, there will be a session led by Darren Lindsey, Chief Executive, British Tyre Manufacturers Association on Tyre Manufacturers, Retreaders and Recyclers – Working Together.

The event takes place on Tuesday 24th September 2024 at The Woodland Grange Hotel, Leamington Spa

Space is limited so if you have not already done so, act now. To register, contact the TRA Office: Tyre Recovery Association (TRA) PO Box 13379 Billericay Essex CM12 2GY

 T: +44 (0)7932 702173



Participation is free for TRA members, media representatives and our industry regulators. A charge of ÂŁ60.00 plus VAT per person will apply to all other participants. A buffet lunch and refreshments are included.