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The Leading Journal for the Tyre Recycling Sector

TNU Exhibits “Recicla y Sonríe -Recycle and Smile” at Ecofira

Feria Valencia will host TNU at the 19th edition of Ecofira over the 4th – 6th October

This event dedicated to environmental solutions and energy is an international meeting point in which companies and public bodies present the latest advances in efficient environmental management.

Ecofira has established itself as a reference for professionals and companies in the sector, not only for its commercial offer, but also for its nature as a forum for debate and knowledge. This fair brings together all areas of interest in environmental management, from the collection, transport, and treatment of waste to the recovery and recycling of waste or waste disposal systems.

TNU will be present at this latest edition of Ecofira with its traveling exhibition on tyre recycling “Recycle and Smile”. The exhibition addresses the social, economic, and environmental importance of the treatment and recycling of end-of-life tyres. The used tyres collected annually by TNU are used in full. Their components: rubber, steel, and textile fibre, are a rich source of material and energy resources since they can be reused.

Currently, the depletion of natural raw materials and fossil fuels is forcing us to seek more sustainable solutions, and in this sense, the recycling of end-of-life tyres has significant advantages in environmental and economic terms. There are numerous ways of recovering its components in innovative uses: Playgrounds, footwear, artificial grass, athletics tracks, hoses, soles, roads, and guardrails are some of its possible transformations.

With its recycling we contribute to preserving the environment, saving energy, optimizing resources and promoting a circular economy model that is fairer with society and nature, a mission in which TNU participates, with its daily activity and also raising awareness, and educating society in the culture of recycling with various communication actions, such as the “Recycle and Smile” exhibition, which has already been visited by many people on its tour throughout Spain.