The whole world is observing what is currently happening in Ukraine, and after seven days under attack by the Russian military the bravery and determination of the Ukrainian people and its leaders have been an inspiration to us all.
Retread Production Put on Stop
Ukrainian retreaders are also playing an active role in defending their country. According to currently available information Ukranian retreaders are currently not producing retreads – there are much more important things in their lives. A number of plants are in regions under heavy attack such as Kiev, Kharkiv and Odessa, and both owners and employees are reported to be supporting their country and army with any possible means such as the supply of food and warm clothing.
Many of them have also volunteered for service and are expecting to be called up for duty, and many participating in construction works to protect cities or helping in hospitals. The Yashina company in Dnipro, for example has paid to the state taxes before due dates in order to support the government and to allow salaries to be paid.
Alexei Gryshchenko, director of Yashina Ltd in Dnipro, said: “Ukraine is now passing through extremely difficult times, but also thanks to your support we will do all what is possible to have peace in the country during the near future. We wish peace and health to all.“
Gryshchenko is currently a nominee in the Recircle Awards under the category of Best Company Director and pressure is now growing among his contact to support him in this nomination.