The Leading Journal for the Tyre Recycling Sector

The Leading Journal for the Tyre Recycling Sector

Mexican Authorities Clampdown on Tyre Use in Brick Kilns

Brick kilns have become the focus of a clean-up ordered by the City of San Luis Potosi to reduce pollution in the area

The worst offending brick kilns have seen the tyres they use for fuel confiscated. The City Council hope to recover some 5 million tyres through its tyre collection programme.

Some 30 per cent of the arisings have already been removed from brick kilns and tyre operations across the city according to city mayor Enrique Galindo Ceballos, who also assured that they hope that by 2024, which will be one year after starting this programme, they will be able to reach the annual goal of 5 million tyres collected.

 “I think it’s going very well. We set an annual goal of five million tyres. The truth is that it is a very good alternative to remove this type of material from the environment.” He added that it is brick kilns that use this material the most, and this is where they have found the most tyres. However, the mayor clarified that, this year, a project has been defined to have dedicated locations for burning operations, where car tyres will be able to be used for fuel.

The tyres that have been collected will go through a conventional mechanical tyre recycling process to recover the steel and rubber. However Galindo Ceballos did not specify particularly what end uses the recovered rubber might be put towards.

Source: El Sol de San Luis