Episode 27 of The Tyre Recycling Podcast is now live on Youtube and our audio platforms. This time out we welcomed R&D Director from Recykl Organizacja Odzysku S.A., Przemyslaw Zaprzalski.
Polish Recycling and Tyre Recycling Comes into Focus
The full episode is available on Youtube, as Ewan Scott, editor of Tyre and Rubber Recycling interviews Przemyslaw Zaprzalski from Polskie Stowarzyszenie Recyklerów Opon ( the Polish Tyre Recyclers Association) to find out why a country with an EPR scheme needs an association.
00:00​​ Introduction to Episode #27 | Business Witness: Przemyslaw Zaprzalski
01:27 Poland‘s EPR Scheme and the Reasons Behind a Recycler’s Association
3:32 The Members of The Recycler’s Association and its Main Objectives
04:58 What are the Main Challenges to Recycling in Poland?
06:11 What are the Existing Markets in Poland? Crumb Rubber, Pyrolysis , Devulcanisation: What do the Current Recyclers in Poland Do with Their Materials?
07:56 Rubberised Asphalt: How is the Polish Market and Government Approaching This Solution?
11:51 What Steps are The Recyclers Association Going to Take to Support Tyre Recycling in Poland?
12:39 Will the New Association Look to International Associations for Collaboration on Future Lobbying?
14:13 Conclusion to Episode #27 | Business Witness: Przemyslaw Zaprzalski