The Leading Journal for the Tyre Recycling Sector

The Leading Journal for the Tyre Recycling Sector

Tyrewise Prepares for September Collections

Tyrewise is now only four weeks away from starting collections and the team have been issuing advice to the tyre sector

The first is that they advise the industry to maintain their existing routes to disposal until the 1st September. Tyres should not be stockpiled awaiting the new collection scheme.

The second is an advisory on the requirements a site has to meet before they will be accepted as a client of Tyrewise.

The requirements are in line with New Zealand’s Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

Sites will be visited to ensure that they comply with the requirements of the Act. Though Tyrewise appears top be a little flexible on what constitutes compliance.

The reason is to ensure that when contractors enter a site they can jointly meet the requirements of the Act.

Inspections will be made, either in person, or by the telephone and suppliers will be asked for the following information:

1/  Health & Safety Policy is preferred – If there is no health & safety policy, Tyrewise has prepared some information to help suppliers create one, which can be found here.

2/ If there is no Health & Safety policy – a photograph of a hazard board displayed at your site, which lists hazards specific to the site, may be sufficient.

3/ If neither are available then suppliers need to show:_
3 photos of evidence of warning signs etc

1 photo of the entrance of the site showing where transporters will enter

1 photo of where the tyres are stored

Notification of any immediate hazards on your site which collectors will need to be informed of, e.g. low hanging power lines etc

Tyrewise advises that without proof of compliance, collections will not be possible.