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The Leading Journal for the Tyre Recycling Sector

Be’ah Providing TDF to Oman Cement

Be’ah has started supplying TDF to Oman Cement Company and in doing so follows the optimal route for disposal of accumulated tyre waste.

Oman’s Be’ah to Supply TDF to Oman Cement

Oman Environmental Services Holding Company (Be’ah), the wholly government-owned solid waste management flagship, recently signed a deal with Oman Cement Company to supply processed scrap tyres as a fuel resource for use in the latter’s cement kilns near Rusayl, said a report.

Be’ah Oman CEO Tariq al Amri highlighted the deal as a triumph for its efforts to secure the safe, sustainable and value-generating disposal of the mountains of used automotive tyres stockpiling at key dumpsites around the sultanate.

Be’ah also highlighted the commercial and environmental benefits accruing to Oman Cement as it switches to a fuel alternative based on tyre waste while reducing its consumption of valuable natural gas.

Under the agreement, Be’ah has committed to supplying around 30,000 tonnes per annum of tyre derived fuel (TDF) processed from scrap tyres in an application of the waste to energy (WtE) principle as a panacea to the problem of end of life automotive tyres stockpiling in the country.

The pact with Oman Cement will allow for several small and medium enterprises to provide support services in the form of transportation and logistics of tyres and the processed fuel, added the report.