The Leading Journal for the Tyre Recycling Sector

The Leading Journal for the Tyre Recycling Sector


Tyre Recycling Podcast Episode 38 Discusses How Satellite Technology can Help the Scrap Tyre Sector The latest episode of The Tyre Recycling Podcast and Episode 38 to be exact can now be viewed and listened to on all the...

Contec Appear in Episode 37 of The Tyre Recycling Podcast The podcasts are coming thick and fast at the moment and we have launched another edition with Episode 37 hitting the airwaves. This time...

Episode 36 of Tyre Recycling Podcast Goes Live with SDAB Episode 36 of The Tyre Recycling Podcast can now be viewed on our Youtube channel and listened to in all the usual places. This...

Tyre Recycling Podcast Reaches Episode 35 with SEGINUS, CEO Jacinto Godoy Episode 35 of The Tyre Recycling Podcast took a slightly different approach as we conducted an interview fully in Spanish with the CEO of...

Episode 34 of The Tyre Recycling Podcast is Available for Viewing and Listening Episode #34 of the Tyre Recycling Podcast is live as we have a special interview with the VP of AIRTRA (All India Rubber &...

Episode 33 of The Tyre Recycling Podcast Welcomes Representatives of the BlackCycle Project Episode 33 of The Tyre Recycling Podcast takes a look at one of the most groundbreaking projects the tyre recycling industry has seen in...

Poland’s Largest Ambient Tyre Recycler the Focus in Episode 32 of The Tyre Recycling Podcast Episode 32 sees a return guest to The Tyre Recycling Podcast as Przemyslaw Zaprzalski, the R&D Director at Reckyl Group who was with us a few...

Tyre Recycling Podcast Launches Episode 31 with Andreas Petterssen of Wieder Tech Episode 31 of the Tyre Recycling Podcast focuses in on tyre derived aggregate as Ewan Scott interviews Andreas Petterssen, the Head of R&D at Wieder Tech. Episode...