The Leading Journal for the Tyre Recycling Sector

The Leading Journal for the Tyre Recycling Sector

Revyre Presents its New Website

Revyre, the New Zealand and Australian startup has launched its latest website to promote the latest developments at the group.

Revyre’s Shaun Zukor said; “Our team has been hard at work to create a site that is not only informative but aligns with our story, value proposition and strategy. We understand the importance of keeping up with changes and evolution. Its for that reason that we’ve revamped our website to reflect our progress. Visit us now and see what we have in store for you

Revyre recently signed an agreement with South African XtyreGlobal to produce their moulded from recycled rubber goods in Oceana and ASEAN markets.

Our Podcast interview with Shaun Zukor will be going live soon.