Valorpneu, Portugal’s sole EPR agency, exceeded expectations and in the first half of the year collecting and forwarding for recycling and other forms of recovery a additional 10,000 tons compared to the same period of the previous year, reaching 41,517 tons of tyres. This increase represented an increase of 32 per cent; in the first six months of 2020 31,577 tons of tyres were collected and valued.
Valorpneu Exceeds Expectations in the First Half Of 2021
Of the 41,517 tons of tyres collected and reproduced, 28,780 tons were prepared for reuse and recycled and 12,737 tons were sent for waste to energy.
Also, the tyres placed on the market, the source of financing of the integrated system of used tyres managed by Valorpneu, through the payment of Ecovalor by the suppliers, showed a growth of 31 per cent in the 1st half of 2021 compared to the same period of 2020.
Despite the pandemic context experienced in recent times, Valorpneu maintained its performance and built its mission as manager of the Integrated System of Management of Used Tires (SGPU).